Hi Adam
I Would mainly be interested in the following values:
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolChildIndex.; Value (OctetString): DSL-POOL
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolChildIndex.; Value (OctetString): BlockPool
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolChildIndex.; Value (OctetString): DEEP-POOL
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolGroupFreeAddrs.0; Value (Gauge): 2061
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolGroupInUseAddrs.0; Value (Gauge): 1114
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatFreeAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 1189
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatFreeAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 254
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatFreeAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 618
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 843
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 0
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 271
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatHiWaterUsedAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 1117
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatHiWaterUsedAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 0
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatHiWaterUsedAddrs.; Value (Gauge): 271
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldLo.; Value (Gauge): 0
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldLo.; Value (Gauge): 0
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldLo.; Value (Gauge): 0
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldHi.; Value (Gauge): 4294967295
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldHi.; Value (Gauge): 4294967295
Name/OID: cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldHi.; Value (Gauge): 4294967295
The threshold values seam not to be set or settable on my router model (ASR 1001-X). But Probably interesting for others.
The MIB file is already provided by Observium.
Post by Adam ArmstrongYou might want to give an example of the contents of the MIB...
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Post by Matthias CramerHi All
I had a look into the Cisco IP local pool MIB, as we have IP Pools on our LNS for the DSL Customers. It would be nice if we could monitor the usage of these pools in Observium.
I looked around in the code, but found no similar discoverer/poller to start with. There seams no sensor type to fit such values.
Can anyone give me a hint? Or is already someone working on that?
Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe Senior Network & Security Engineer
iway AG Phone +41 43 500 1111
Badenerstrasse 569 Fax +41 44 271 3535
CH-8048 Zürich http://www.iway.ch/
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Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe Senior Network & Security Engineer
iway AG Phone +41 43 500 1111
Badenerstrasse 569 Fax +41 44 271 3535
CH-8048 Zürich http://www.iway.ch/
GnuPG 1024D/2D208250 = DBC6 65B6 7083 1029 781E 3959 B62F DF1C 2D20 8250